Posts by chris


We rarely print photos in this digital age. Find out why we should and why it might[…]

Portra 160 on Medium Format

After hearing about the new Kodak Portra film, and how it is the best thing ever to[…]


A boring topic, I know. We just want to be out there taking pictures.  For most of[…]


For Christmas my girlfriend bought me a Flexaret VI TLR camera. A TLR is one of those[…]

Fun with film

This is going to be the first post of a series about my exploration of analogue photography.[…]

Shooting in natural light

One of my favourite types of photography is portraiture. I love being able to capture the essence[…]

A bright new start

Welcome! Like many people, I’ve been taking photos for a while now for fun with some success[…]

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